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Fall Cleanout

At-Home Wellness Adventures for Beginners

Fall Cleanout

A one-week adventure through your everyday life.

This is the season of harvest and planning.

What’s the next step in your health creation journey?

The fall is a natural time of harvest and planning the next season’s crop. In the cycle of health creation, we acknowledge our accomplishments and plan our path forward. There’s a lot of letting go involved. We must let go of what’s not working or reconfigure our approach. We plan the next steps that build on what is working. We freshen our way forward and renew our commitment by listening - deeply and intently to the quiet inner voice that knows exactly what we need most. The Autumnal Equinox on the 23rd helps us kick off this event.

What are you ready to let go of in 2024?

What health creating habits are you embracing instead?

Not sure yet? This is a perfect time of year to experiment. Shop around for new approaches, practitioners, and guiding philosophies. Get to know your options.

This at-home wellness adventure offers support for exactly that.

December 1

Wellness in the Dark