At Home Wellness Adventures for Beginners
Wellness in the Dark
A one-week adventure through your everyday life.
This season we plant our seeds for health in 2024.
The darkness invites us to confront ourselves first. The spiritual theme of the season is about doing the inner work necessary to be successful. We can come out strong without this work, but our efforts will be short-lived. After a time, our shadow pulls us back into the same familiar patterns.
What challenges to our health originate within?
This is the time of year to witness these patterns and aspects of self that hold us back and keep us small. This way, when the holidays are over, we understand the challenges and pitfalls and are prepared to succeed in our endeavors. This week we trial-run the changes we will implement in the new year, but as we do, we pay special attention to the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that present challenges.